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A Joint Public Hearing of the City Council and the Planning Board was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of discussing a proposed Zoning Amendment to extend the B-5 Zone to include 50 St. Peter Street (Salem Jail).  Notice of this meeting was posted on June 24, 2005 at 12:28 P.M. and advertised in the Salem Evening News on June 16th and 23rd, 2005.

        Councillor Furey and Bencal were recorded as absent.

        President Leonard F. O’Leary presided.  

        On the matter of the proposed Zoning Amendment to extend the B5 Zone to include the property located at 50 St. Peter Street (Salem Jail)

        The plan shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor, and his official stamp and seal shall be affixed to the plan.


The Chair then asked for comment from for those in favor of the zoning proposal.  

        Appearing in favor was City Planner Lynn Duncan who gave an overview as to the need for this zoning.

Micheal Brennan of the Salem Redevelopment Authority thanked Council for vote of confidence and stated if the property is transferred to the Salem Redevelopment Authority it would be moved on immediately.
In eleven weeks the Redevelopment Authority held seven meetings with the residents with standing room only.  It was the most attended and best experience. The residents came with great suggestions. The Historic Commission also attended and provided insight on what it takes to preserve historic buildings also in attendance was City Councillors.

The Cecil Group was hired to put together a reuse study. This was done before it was put out to bid. The Cecil Group put together Finance plans and reuse study and a marketing proposal. The RFP went out this week. The Salem Jail was never considered Salem property. R-3 we are restricted on the use. Residents don’t want it to be restricted either. It should be tied to the downtown. The change from R-3 to B-5 Zone will bring more developers in and add to the value of the property. Salem has changed a lot with expansion of the museum. The interest rates are right. The only thing left is the zoning change.

        The Chair then asked if anyone wished to be recorded as opposed.  There was no one appearing in opposition.


        Mr. Walter Power III of the Planning Board introduced the members of the Planning Board. The Planning Board Members present were Gene Collins, Paul R. Durand, John C. Moustakis, Timothy F. Ready and Christine B. Sullivan

Ms. Duncan stated the previous speaker said it all. The consultant did several reuse proposals, if it were condos it could be 18 –21 or mixed use with retail or restaurant. Extending the downtown district will enhance the vitality of the City. The RFP’s are out there and due back August 18th.

There was a presentation and illustration of the present building and it’s potential.

Mr. Gene Collins of the Planning Board asked if the two churches were part of the district.

Planner Ms. Duncan stated the B-5 is extended only to the jail not the churches.

Mr. Collins stated that the planning board was careful not to destroy the neighborhood values. It’s a concern not to be spot zoned.

Planner Ms. Duncan on the plan you can see the bypass road, St. Peter Street will create a wonderful green space in this area.

Councillor O’Leary asked Chairman Powers of the Planning Board if they would be meeting on July 7th in regards to this.

Mr. Powers responded yes.

Barbara Cleary of the Salem Historical Commission stated that they’ve been working on this for over a year.

Stanley Smith stated that they feel this is vital to this area it has been a challenging project. This will give the developers more flexibility. People want an active use of the site.

Councillor Arthur Sargent stated that David Howe came to the meetings a n took a power point presentation and now it’s coming to this, it’s a good plan. Nice to see it come together and it’s not spot zoning it’s actually a correction. The Cemetery is a good buffer zone. State in favor of this zoning.

Councillor Sosnowski made comment of this being a great project it will be a beautiful site a trophy to our entrance corridor. The once, yard for the prisoners, will now be space for parking. Wonderful project and I stand behind it.

Councillor Pelletier Thanked both boards and support it this zoning.
Councillor O’Keefe stated his support. If a developer comes in can he demolish the jail or does he have to use it as is. The kitchen and dining hall is a brick building can it be taken down or reuse as is?

Planner Duncan stated there are preservation restrictions on the property. The jail and the keepers house have to be preserved and the barn preserved as well.

Councillor Lovely thanked the boards for keeping the integrity of the buildings.

Councillor Veno questioned parking issues. In the B-5, is there 1 parking space per unit? Lots of spaces on the plan, is there a mechanism to have adequate parking?

Planner Duncan responded that the RFP there is criteria and parking is one. Onsite can help neighborhood and for condos it becomes a real marketing issue.

Councillor Veno thanked everyone involved in the process. RFP is out this is an ambitious time frame. Where does it go from there? Is it open to public for Public input?

Mr. Brennan stated that the Cecil Group will go through these most of the information will be financial. At some point it will become public.

Planner Duncan said the information would be confidential we need to make sure the developer can see the process through. Public input will come when the pieces come together. The exact steps still need to be worked out. Interviews will be done at the SRA meeting, which is public.

Councillor Pelletier asked aside from the financial information, will this body be kept informed?

Mr. Powers stated yes.

Mr. Collins stated it is State land was it conveyed to the City?

        Planner Duncan answered it was conveyed to the City and plan is from the bypass project.

Councillor O’Keefe asked if there are weighted values or bullets for criteria?

Planner Duncan stated we have criteria we have not weighted it.

Councillor O’Keefe asked when you say we do you mean the SRA?

Planner Duncan stated the Redevelopment Authority.

There was no one appearing in opposition.

Councillor Harvey moved to refer the matter to the Planning Board for their recommendation.

Councillor Sosnowski moved to amend that the matter be referred to the Planning Board and that a recommendation be before the City Council on July 14th for first passage. It was so voted by roll call vote of 9 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent. Councillor Furey and Bencal were recorded as absent.

Councillor Harvey moved for immediate reconsideration in the hopes it would not prevail. Reconsideration was denied.

Councillor Harvey moved that the Hearing be closed.  It was so voted.

        Counllior Pelletier moved that the hearing be adjourned at 8:45 P.M.

ATTEST:                                 CHERYL A. LAPOINTE
                                                CITY CLERK